Issue 08: - Manipulation


“No sensible man ever engages, unprepared, in a fencing match of words with a woman.” – Wilkie Collins

Manipulation - The power every woman possess.

Hi, You are here. this to me means that you are not afraid of the truth. 

You seek truth and you want it to be out there as much as I do, that is why you will read this article till the end and you will yen for more. That is the thing about truth, IT NEEDS TO BE TOLD regardless. So, I will just get to it.

In the game of social dominance one does not regard that which they consider as weak to be threatening, which is  how women can get away with doing the most terrible of things and then shift the punishment for the outcome of said behavior to a man.

Most men make the perfect scapegoats because they never see it coming and know not how to defend against such deceptions, their own logic deluding them with notions such as “rationality” and “fairness” and an expectation that these alone will save him from such vicious and slanderous libel.

Whether she behaved badly or her story is untruthful is irrelevant, if she can avoid shame and ultimately the blame for such behavior by making your peers believe it was YOU who was at fault rather than her, then she avoids any feelings of guilt and thus is completely free to behave and strategize in whatever way she may please no matter how immoral that may be. Women are not bound by honor – it is a male abstraction.

In more case than usual, men are perpetrators of violence because they are told and persuaded into believing that they can never be anything other than being a perpetrator. The right word to use would be manipulation. Men are being manipulated. The thing with manipulation is we all possess it, all human beings, women just happen to overpower us because for some reason their voice is too loud

It gives me great joy to let you all know that WOMEN ARE NOT IMMUNE from being perpetrators of violence, in fact I think they might be the biggest perpetrators of all time , busy hiding behind a history they are not even sure about , talk about evolution (humor me). 

How then will we see this when women are made to believe that they are the only and always victims both emotionally and physically? How do we achieve the right of equality and fairness when one is made to believe that they are incapable of causing harm to others? How do we obtain justice when the rule of Audialteram partem is only practiced in law books? 

Answer?? Well, I say we talk about it. We make them aware; we do not give in, we make so much noise about it we should not be able to hear them screaming " STOP!". We do it like they do it, playing the same game, same rules, different teams, we draw. Scores are settled. 

LISTEN" Most women have extremely weak reasoning, you’ll notice in arguments with them that they will try to attack the credibility of your logic to try to make themselves look better. This is the classic “I can’t beat the competition so I’ll try to make the competition less effective” strategy.

Questioning a man’s logic and credibility is a way a woman essentially “brings a man down to her level of absurdity”. 

'There comes a line of questioning so invasive, so interrogative, so manipulative and so unreasonable, that a man, feeling like he is on the defense, will yield his logic to his sense of frustration, and then the woman who deliberately and calculatingly imposed this form of mental tyranny in her sense of outrage will then use this frustration as a weapon against the man to further reduce his credibility by pointing out quite proudly that he is in fact no more logical than she!" Illimitable Men

That is how she wins, it is a game she knows she will always beat you in, UNTIL TODAY. 

Make good choices.


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