Issue 06: - Fathers Day

"We are a society that invested its focus and resources on empowering the girl child and we are slowly and progressively neglecting the boy child. THEN, as time goes on, we start acting surprised when the boy child starts displaying barbaric behaviors. We need to stop with this hypocrisy, the boy child also deserves attention and guidance. A functional society starts with giving both the girl and boy equal attention."

the next story has nothing to do with the statement above, that was just a simple reminder to you all. So here it goes; 

I was sitting with my male friends on Father’s day, 21 June 2020 that is. There were approximately 9 of us, 8 males and me. 4(four) of those males happen to be fathers and play a role in their children’s lives and are very supporting, thoughtful, loving and caring for their “baby mamas”, yet none of them received as little as a text saying “happy father’s day“ from those women.

I know.. You're probably thinking 'what does that have to do with anything?' or 'it’s not that important' or 'does it matter??' or whatever, I really do not know, but whatever you’re thinking should say a lot about you. 

Anyway, so I sat there and listened to the men saying how they are always doing something for their women, making sure they eat, putting a smile on their faces, being there for them, caring for them etc. All the women do is take. I also listened to them saying how much a little "Father’s Day" text would mean, but all women do is take all and giving nothing back.

This is hearsay, yes, but think of it the other way round and it was Mother’s Day, THEN maybe the fact that this is hearsay will mean NOTHING. 

But what can we do right?? It is the nature of a women to take, complain, play victim, be always right, feel entitled, and to receive. However, it is little to no nature to be considerate, give, and/or listen. She knows the powers she possesses. she knows the protection she will get, she knows a lot of this but to be below or to be equal to a man.

She lives under the illusion that she deserves more than she already has, and she is ought to get it, If I am being precise, I would say that she believes she is above the law. IMAGINE. 

The thing we need to know about women is that they are very smart human beings , Actually if they were to go beyond limiting their selves mentally, then I am pretty sure that the world would be doomed but thank goodness this will not happen right??


  1. hi. the story you are telling is very similar to what i went through on Fathers day . that woman wanted a present from me instead :(

  2. I am sorry to hear that mate. Live her either way... Just BE AWARE.


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