Issue 11: Paternity Fraud

When I first conducted a research on Paternity Fraud, I did not realize how much of a breakthrough it would turn out to be. In my opinion, there are lot of things that women get away with, lets not make this one of them. The link below is the result of my research which I did while still a Law student at the University of Limpopo. It gives a brief summary on the meaning of Paternity Fraud and how it can be viewed under Family Law. How can perpetrators of paternity fraud be held accountable? how do we deliver justice to the wronged?

Indulge yourself on the link attached below. Keep note that this is the beginning of this topic. More links and news pertaining this issue will be added below. come back for more and, don't forget to engage.

17 February 2022

As I was scrolling through my Twitter feeds, I came across this post, and it made me realize how much women are determined to get away with this ruthless lie for as long as they benefit from it. Don't fall victim 

It has further come to my attention that the government is initiating free Paternity Tests as of June 2022. I will attach the link for you to self read. Be more weary. Do not fall into a trap you could have easily avoided and remember she cannot legitimately stop you from requesting one. You too have rights. 


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