
Showing posts from August, 2020

Issue 08: - Manipulation

  “No sensible man ever engages, unprepared, in a fencing match of words with a woman.”  –  Wilkie Collins Manipulation - The power every woman possess. Hi, You are here. this to me means that you are not afraid of the truth.  You seek truth and you want it to be out there as much as I do, that is why you will read this article till the end and you will yen for more. That is the thing about truth, IT NEEDS TO BE TOLD regardless. So, I will just get to it. In the game of social dominance one does not regard that which they consider as weak to be threatening, which is  how women can get away with doing the most terrible of things and then shift the punishment for the outcome of said behavior to a man. Most men make the perfect scapegoats because they never see it coming and know not how to defend against such deceptions, their own logic deluding them with notions such as “rationality” and “fairness” and an expectation that these alone will save him...