
Issue 08: - Manipulation

  “No sensible man ever engages, unprepared, in a fencing match of words with a woman.”  –  Wilkie Collins Manipulation - The power every woman possess. Hi, You are here. this to me means that you are not afraid of the truth.  You seek truth and you want it to be out there as much as I do, that is why you will read this article till the end and you will yen for more. That is the thing about truth, IT NEEDS TO BE TOLD regardless. So, I will just get to it. In the game of social dominance one does not regard that which they consider as weak to be threatening, which is  how women can get away with doing the most terrible of things and then shift the punishment for the outcome of said behavior to a man. Most men make the perfect scapegoats because they never see it coming and know not how to defend against such deceptions, their own logic deluding them with notions such as “rationality” and “fairness” and an expectation that these alone will save him...

Issue 11: Paternity Fraud

When I first conducted a research on Paternity Fraud, I did not realize how much of a breakthrough it would turn out to be. In my opinion, there are lot of things that women get away with, lets not make this one of them. The link below is the result of my research which I did while still a Law student at the University of Limpopo. It gives a brief summary on the meaning of Paternity Fraud and how it can be viewed under Family Law. How can perpetrators of paternity fraud be held accountable? how do we deliver justice to the wronged? Indulge yourself on the link attached below. Keep note that this is the beginning of this topic. More links and news pertaining this issue will be added below. come back for more and, don't forget to engage. Research on Paternity Fraud 17 February 2022 As I was scrolling through my Twitter feeds, I came across this post, and it made me realize how much women are determined to get away with this ruthless lie for as long as they benefit from it. Don't ...

Issue 10: A World We Created

  We made a cruel world. My generation. My parent’s generation. There is too little kindness, too little caring, too much hate, anger, and hurt. We talk a good game about protecting our loved ones, but we leave too much on the table that might surely save their lives. Instead of trying to stop the crimes against them, why don’t we teach them how to protect themselves? How then do we amend it? Please leave a comment. Come on this mystery with me.

Issue 09: - All Of Us

We have said too many goodbyes and grieved too long. The world has endured enough traumas and tragedy. At a loss of humans through Gender Based Violence (GBV) everyday is more than we should be asked to bear, but we are not alone.  Too little of our men are raised unignored and given attention like the girl child. So little lessons and supervision are given to the boy child. Too little of our men experience love and care like the girl child. Too many of our men undergo depression and commit suicide. Too many of our men are afraid to show emotions and speak up because they are men. ALL of our men are expected to be strong even at their weakest points and we are doing too little to make a change.  We must ask ourselves not only how we can make change, but what we have done to shape the world this way. How are we responsible? What burden are we placing on our men? What tools are we keeping from them?  How did we get here? 

Issue 07: - Who Is Fooling Who ?

“To her you’re just a play thing; she’ll make you out to be a king, then she’ll set fire to your throne.”  –  Anon

Issue 06: - Fathers Day

"We are a society that invested its focus and resources on empowering the girl child and we are slowly and progressively neglecting the boy child.  THEN, as time goes on, we start acting surprised when the boy child starts displaying barbaric behaviors. We need to stop with this hypocrisy, the boy child also deserves attention and guidance. A functional society starts with giving both the girl and boy equal attention." the next story has nothing to do with the statement above, that was just a simple reminder to you all. So here it goes;  I was sitting with my male friends on Father’s day, 21 June 2020 that is. There were approximately 9 of us, 8 males and me. 4(four) of those males happen to be fathers and play a role in their children’s lives and are very supporting, thoughtful, loving and caring for their “baby mamas”, yet none of them received as little as a text saying “happy father’s day“ from those women. I know.. You're probably thinking 'what does that have to...

Issue 05: - Stand firm

The solutions to your problems are actually simple. It's just that you make it complicated.Why do you make it complicated? Because you always give excuses.